Ringkasan Buku My Passion My Career

Pada Volume 1 ini, saya akan bahas rangkuman atau ringkasan buku tentang My Passion My Career. Here we go : 

Ringkasan buku my passion my career

Oh iyah buku ini bagus untuk kamu yang sedang meniti karir dan ingin karir yang kamu inginkan atau biasa disebut dengan Passion. 

Apa Itu Passion? 

Passion merupakan kemauan seseorang untuk menjalankan sesuatu, yang di kerjakan secara antusias banget. Passion bisa berarti motivasi yang bertemu dengan emosi yang sama sama kuat. 

Di buku ini ada 2 tahapan karir, semua saya rangkum dengan menulis sejumlah poin-poinnya saja. 

Tips Meneropong Karir 

  1. Resist the urge to be average
  2. Write down the direction
  3. Successful Career comes from clearity
  4. Role Models are not one-size-fit-all
  5. Volunteer to feel better
  6. Your proactivity leads to success
  7. Tomorrow will be a better day
  8. Success is a formula, not fantasy
  9. Take off your blinder
  10. You'll get what you're afraid of
  11. Don't want everything
  12. It might get worse before it gets better
  13. Of your doubt, you're out
  14. Find your own path
  15. You need to know what you are looking for. Don't forget packaging

Tips Memulai Karir

  1. Take small victories
  2. The best defence is to listen
  3. Get experience anyway you can 
  4. Be creative solve your problems
  5. Avoid the second-guess paralysis
  6. Play the odds, stay open for unexpected opportunity
  7. It depends on you
  8. You need to know more than just how talented you are 
  9. Clear about your role in the outcome
  10. Your success depends on know-why, know-how and know-whom
  11. Want support? Deserve it
  12. You will keep fighting if you are in control
  13. What your appetite for success
  14. You're not defined by your job 
  15. Adaptability is essential
  16. Tell clean jokes
  17. Money isn't everything
  18. Be realistic about your self
  19. Own what you do
  20. Sense of ownership makes meaningful life
  21. Learn to lead yourself
  22. People who work hard to get something right tend to keep working harder
  23. Mental toughness is the key to be a winner
  24. It is your own approach to get the job done
  25. You'll get knocked down and then get back up
  26. Win your own respect first
  27. Remember the difference between you and everybody else
  28. Never compare your self to others start being who you are meant to be, the only comparison that matters is with your own past
  29. Not trying is failure 
  30. You're not in this alone
  31. Be optimistic
  32. Buying experience, not possession
  33. Managing one self
  34. Using your power of subconscious mind
Itulah artikel tentang ringkasan atau rangkuman buku my passion my career. Semoga dapat manfaat yah. 

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